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Wrinkle-Free Wednesdays

Just a quick historical note on Botox. Years ago, Dr. Hilinski came up with a Botox promotional called wrinkle-free Wednesdays, which was intended to give special pricing to San Diego Botox patients who scheduled on Wednesdays. By having so many Botox patients come in on one day - our office…

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Avoiding the Spock Look

April 21, 2018 | Botox Dysport Wrinkle Reduction

We here this all the time from new Botox and Dysport patients coming to our San Diego office. 'I don't want Spock eyebrows' they say. Well, no reputable cosmetic doctor wants to create the Spock eyebrow look. But, unfortunately, it can and does still occur when Botox and Dysport is…

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Exercising After Botox?

If you have been to our San Diego office and had Botox and/or Dysport injections you will likely have heard Dr. Hilinski recommend that you should refrain from exercising for at least 24-48 hours after the treatment. But why is this? Is it because of unwanted bruising after Botox or…

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Migraine Headaches and Botox

Did you know that Botox and Dysport can significantly improve migraine headaches? There are many, many patients here in San Diego who undergo Botox and Dysport treatment - and discover that their migraine headaches are much better after regular treatment. The migraines can be improved in both severity and frequency…

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Botox Versus Dysport Units

In 2018, Botox and Dysport continue to be the most popular and effective wrinkle fighting agents that we use in our San Diego office. Both treatments are quite effective in reducing unwanted wrinkles and lines - and can be considered fairly equivalent when it comes to delivering cosmetic results. But…

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Advantages of Dysport Over Botox?

March 10, 2018 | Botox Dysport Wrinkle Reduction

Many patients ask if there are any advantages to using Dysport instead of Botox. For years and years, Botox was the only neurotoxin available here in San Diego to treat unwanted facial wrinkles and creases. Fortunately, in 2009 Dysport was approved by the FDA for cosmetic use to effectively treat…

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5 Common Myths About Botox

There are so many myths out there regarding Botox and Dysport that it would be exhausting to post about all of them here. But let's review - and debunk - 5 of the most common myths about Botox and Dysport injections for unwanted wrinkles and creases. Your face will be…

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Under Eye Wrinkles and Botox

Every once in a while you will hear someone say their under eyes are more wrinkled after getting Botox or Dysport in the crow's feet. When patients get Botox and Dysport in the crow's feet area, the intention is to stop that portion of the muscle to reduce animation lines…

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Scheduling Botox Treatments

February 21, 2018 | Botox Dysport Wrinkle Reduction

Botox Appointments Don't worry about missing your next Botox or Dysport appointment! For several years now, Dr. Hilinski and his staff have been sending out friendly reminders to all of our Botox and Dysport patients in San Diego. Currently, we use a system called PatientNow that helps us to keep…

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Natural Looking Botox

Botox Natural Results The great thing about Botox and Dysport treatment is the simplicity of how both cosmetic treatments can create such natural looking results. Unfortunately, to many people (and doctors!) out there, if you have Botox or Dysport in your forehead your face will be frozen. That is  because…

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