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Nip and Tuck

This is a great example of what a little 'nip and tuck' can do for you. This very pleasant patient of mine wanted to simply look more refreshed. I ended up performing a lower face and upper neck tuck in combination with an upper eyelid lift to provide her with…

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Avoiding the Stigma of Male Cosmetic Surgery

This is a great case example of what great facial plastic surgery can do - while avoiding the stigma of male cosmetic surgery. One of the most compelling reasons male patients choose not to have plastic surgery is the fear of looking 'surgically done' to family and friends. This is a…

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What is a Mid Facelift?

September 3, 2014 | Facelift

As discussed in our recent blog post comparing the difference between facelift and mini lift procedures, no one lifting procedure is right for everyone. In fact, our facial plastic surgeon explains that the mid facelift may be an effective The mid facelift is a specialized procedure designed to correct loose,…

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The Difference Between Facelift & Mini Lift Procedures

August 27, 2014 | Facelift

When patients visit Dr. John Hilinski with the desire to rejuvenate their facial appearance, a number of procedures are considered -- both surgical and non-surgical. One solution, in particular, has proven to address some of the most common concerns caused by aging: the facelift. While some patients can achieve beautiful…

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Considering A Facelift: What Should I Expect?

January 28, 2014 | Facelift

Our double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, John Hilinski, MD, explains what you can expect during facelift treatment.   Our facelift consultations entail a physical examination coupled with a thorough discussion to determine each patient’s specific aesthetic goals. I consider any patient who seeks a more youthful, rested appearance of the…

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Neck Lift Without Facelift Surgery in San Diego

Want to know how to achieve a neck lift without having a facelift procedure? This is a great example of a patient who desired to have a more defined jaw and neckline, yet did not want to have a formal facelift with incisions made all around the ears. Given the…

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Looking Age Appropriate Following Facelift Surgery in San Diego, CA

February 3, 2012 | Facelift Facial Plastic Surgery

Wondering what a typical facelift patient looks like in their 50s-60s? This latest blog entry by San Diego face expert, Dr. John Hilinski, highlights a female patient in this particular age range who desired cosmetic face enhancement to turn back the clock. Dr. Hilinski discusses the thought process and evaluation…

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Does My Neck Get Lifted With A Facelift?

December 16, 2011 | Facelift Neck Lift

Over the past several weeks we have consulted with a number of San Diego patients seeking to have cosmetic surgery to enhance the appearance of the lower face and upper neck region. A good percentage of these patients have asked what the difference is between having a lower facelift and…

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Forehead Lift Suspension For Crooked Eyebrow Position

Many patients inquire about crooked eyebrow position, also known as asymmetric eyebrow positioning, and whether or not a browlift might help. What they are referring to is the actual position and shape of the eyebrows. In a good majority of people, the eyebrows naturally sit differently on both sides of…

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Facial Appearance 10 Days After Facelift Necklift in San Diego, CA

Many patients inquire about their short-term appearance following a facelift/necklift procedure. This case example demonstrates what most patients look like at 10 days out from a lower facelift and upper neck lift procedure. This middle-aged female from San Diego, CA desired rejuvenation of her lower face and upper neck due…

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