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The Unique Benefits of Sculptra® and Radiesse®

December 17, 2015 | Dermal Fillers Radiesse Sculptra

Dermal fillers are designed to restore lost facial volume, combating the common signs of aging by giving your skin a smoother, firmer appearance. Each dermal filler has its own strengths and, when used properly, can effectively address different cosmetic concerns. Unlike many dermal fillers, Radiesse® utilizes very tiny crystals containing…

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Cosmetic Injectables: How Long Do Results Last?

One of the most common concerns that my patients express during one-on-one consultations is regional volume loss throughout the face. While in the past patients were more focused on a single line or crease, more and more patients are now seeking to restore lost volume across an entire region, such…

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Sculptra Cheek Contouring

This is a nice example of what Sculptra cosmetic injections can do in terms of cheek enhancement. This pleasant lady consulted with me regarding possible augmentation of her cheek region. After discussion, we both decided that Sculptra would be a great choice for her. Sculptra cosmetic happens to be one…

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Look What Sculptra Cosmetic Can Do For You!

Sculptra injections are quickly becoming one of my favorite office-based cosmetic treatments. Sculptra injections literally allow me to sculpt your face to create improved contour and fullness in certain locations that tend to be negatively affected by the aging process. As an example, you can easily see how Sculptra injections to…

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